Communication Channels

Students Problems

Students with problems related to admission, registration, sickness and identity cards should write to the Academic Registrar for assistance.  In all cases, this communication should be routed through the relevant Heads of Academic Departments, Academic Deans, or Director Health Services as the case may be. Loss of property/documents or issues of security nature should be reported to the University Chief Security Officer.

Notice Boards

Information to students is usually posted on Notice Boards at the main Administration Building, in front of the Republic Complex (East End), Faculties, Institutes, Schools, Libraries, Dining Halls and the University website (


Dates of the Academic Year

Kyambogo University is a secular institution. It is the official policy of the University that all days in a week are considered working days. Staff and students are expected to conduct or attend lectures and examinations at scheduled times and days. Request to accommodate the students’ religious creed by scheduling tests or examinations at alternative times shall not be entertained.

The University, therefore, operates seven (07) days a week (i.e. from Sunday to Monday). Lectures, tests, practicals, examinations and other co-curricular activities may, therefore, take place on any day of the week. The University community (members of staff and students) are drawn from various religious backgrounds. Except for gazetted Public Holidays, the University shall not re-schedule or cancel lectures and /or examinations to meet the interests of particular interest groups. You are, therefore, urged to attend to your academic work as scheduled within your respective Faculties/Schools/Institutes.

Key dates of every Academic Year are normally communicated either through the admission letters, newspaper advertisements, notice boards, radio announcements, or the University website. Please look out for reporting dates of subsequent semesters.

Reporting Procedures: Resident Students

Immediately upon arrival at the University, resident new students must report to their Hall Wardens to register their presence.  The Hall Wardens shall allocate rooms to students and give meals cards to them. No private resident student shall be allowed into a room before effecting full payment for accommodation.

Reporting Procedures: Non-Resident Students

All non-resident students are attached to different Halls of Residence.  Each such student must register his/her presence with the Wardens of their halls of attachment. Participation in various University activities is in some instances hall-based (e.g. Sports activities).

Enrolling into the University

All students upon reporting into the university are required to enrol into the university using the online enrolling system accessed using internet services at AIMS Students Portal. By enrolling the student is basically informing the University that they have reported and shall be available for the semester. Enrolling must be done every semester. The following steps shall be followed when enrolling.

Step 1: type in the URL of an internet accessing device (computer, laptop, tablet, phone, etc) AIMS Students Portal.

Step 2: Verify your data as prompted. The data required for verification is found in your admission letter.

Step 3: Enter your phone contact and a functioning email address.

The above three steps enable a student to access an individual student electronic University account or portal.  Upon completion of the above three steps, a password shall be issued to you which you shall use to login into the student portal.

A student’s portal enables a student to monitor major personal university processes and helps a student access the following personal information

  1. University fees structure for each semester.
  2. University fees payment reference numbers
  3. Monitoring students’ fees deposits
  4. Registration and registration status
  5. Examination results

Orientation Week  

 Orientation week marks the beginning of the Academic Year for the freshers (new students). This takes place during the first week of reporting of freshers where they meet and interact with the officials of the University.

A detailed programme shall be posted on the Notice Boards and the University website. It is very important that students attend all the scheduled meetings at which they must be seated at least 30 minutes before the start of each session.

Semester System

All University programmes are run on a semester system.  The University operates a seven day week.  Each academic year is composed of two (02) on-campus Semesters and an Industrial Training/college/school practice/practicum (ITCSP) semester for some programmes. During the ITCSP semester, students on some programmes are engaged in practical hands-on training both within and outside the University. Details of affected programmes appear in the Fees Structure booklet.

Length of Semester

  1. The duration of the two on-campus semesters is seventeen (17) weeks each (for teaching and examinations), while the ITCSP semester lasts up to ten (10) weeks depending on the programme of study.
  2. The academic programme for Distance Education Diploma and degree students lasts three (03) years and students interact with their Course Facilitators during Face-to-Face residentials three times a year.
  • Every semester, the Academic Registrar issues a detailed academic calendar as determined by the University Senate. These too shall be available on the various notice boards and the University website.

Tour of University Facilities

Tours of the University facilities like libraries and halls of residence shall be

conducted according to the Orientation Week programme.

Places of Worship

There are four places of worship at the University where believers meet for prayers as follows:

St. Kakumba Chapel (for Anglicans) 8.00 a.m., 9.30 a.m. & 10.00 a.m. Services every Sunday

Uganda Martyrs Chaplaincy (for the Catholics) opposite Kulubya Hall of Residence. 7.00 a.m., 9.00 a.m.  Holy Mass on Sundays 6.00 p.m. Evening Mass every weekday

 SDA Chapel at 8.00 a.m. Prayers on Saturdays

University Mosque (for Muslims) situated near Kulubya Hall & North End

1.00 p.m. Juma Prayers every Friday

Admissions Ceremony and Freshers’ Ball

There shall be a formal Admissions Ceremony on Friday 23rd September 2018, to be presided over by the Vice-Chancellor. All new students must attend in person. Only registered students are eligible to attend this once in a lifetime event, to be crowned with the annual Freshers’ Ball in the evening. Further details on this shall be communicated in due course. All students are required to wear their undergraduate gowns on this day.