Assessment of a Course
Each Course shall be assessed in two parts:
- Course-work (Progressive/Continuous Assessment) shall contribute not less than 30% or more than 40% of total marks depending on the Faculty/School.
- Examinations shall contribute a maximum of 70% of the total marks.
Each Course shall be graded out of a maximum of one hundred (100) marks and assigned appropriate letter grade points as follows:-
Marks Letter Grade Grade Point
80-100 A 5.0
75-79 B+ 4.5
70-74 B 4.0
65-69 C+ 3.5
60-64 C 3.0
55-59 D+ 2.5
50-54 D 2.0
0-49 F 0.0
The pass mark in any Course shall be 50%.
Re-taking a Course
- A student may retake any Course when it is offered again in order to pass it if he/she had failed it before.
- Course(s) retaken shall be indicated on the academic transcript as well.
Management of Retakes
- There shall be no supplementary examinations under the semester system. A student with a re-take will have to wait and re-take that course when next offered at a fee to be fixed by the University Council. Retaking a course unit entails attending lectures, doing all course work afresh and sitting the end of semester examinations.
- Students who complete the normal duration of their programmes and go away but have retakes must apply for permission to re-take from the Academic Registrar through their Head of Department. Please note that it is only the Academic Registrar who grants written permission to this category. Such students shall then be required to pay the prescribed fees and register with the Admissions Office.
- Continuing students with retakes must apply for permission to retake from the Dean of Faculty/School/Institute through their Head of Department. Please note that it is the Deans who grant permission to this category using the prescribed Re-take Form. Such students are required to pay the prescribed fees and to register with the Faculty/School/Institute Administrator who shall issue them with clearance signed by the
- A student is entitled to a maximum of two (2) retakes per course and these changes must be utilized within the prescribed duration of each programme as stated in 3 above.
- All requisite retake fees as stated in the retake letter must be paid before doing retakes.
Under the semester system model applicable to Kyambogo University, a student can only proceed with his/her studies in a systematic manner from one semester in a given academic year to another. This is referred to as progression. It, therefore, follows that a student cannot and must not skip one semester with a view of studying it later. Progression of a student shall be categorised as follows:
Normal Progress – NP
Normal Progress shall occur when a student has passed all the specified core courses and obtained a minimum grade point average (GPA of 2.0). It is denoted by the abbreviation “NP” in the Remarks column of the examination marks and results.
Probationary Progress
Probationary Progress shall occur when a student either fails a core course or obtains a CGPA of less than 2.0. It is denoted by the abbreviation “PP” in the Remarks column of the examination marks and results.