A Word of Welcome

Management and the entire staff of this unique institution welcome all the new students to Kyambogo University and wish you well as you embark on the new academic journey. It is important that you endeavour to read this booklet since it highlights and guides you on major policy issues, procedures and regulations governing your stay and conduct as a Kyambogo University student.

Brief History of Kyambogo University

Kyambogo University was established by The Universities and other Tertiary Institutions Act 2001 (as amended) following the merger of Uganda Polytechnic Kyambogo (UPK), Institute of Teacher Education Kyambogo (ITEK) and Uganda National Institute of Special Needs Education (UNISE). The three have since come to be known as West End, East End and North End respectively.

Vision, Mission and Motto

 Vision: “To be a Centre of Academic and Professional Excellence”

Mission: “To advance and promote knowledge and development of skills in  Science, Technology and Education, and in such other fields having regard for quality, equity and progress and transformation of society”

Motto:  “Knowledge and Skills for Service


 The Academic Registrar’s Department comprises of Divisions which work closely with the academic units.

Academic Units

Academic Units where teaching takes place are called Faculties, Schools or Institutes and are headed by Deans. Each Faculty, School or Institute has an Administrator (at various ranks) who is a representative of the Academic Registrar.


The Department of the Academic Registrar has the following Divisions:

  1. Admissions Division
  2. Examinations Division
  3. Extensions and Affiliated Institutions Division
  4. Senate Division
  5. Graduate School

View Divisions Functions and Details